Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hope you all are having a lovely day with family and friends! Steve and I are puttering around this morning (knocking snow off the dish so we can watch tv and whatnot), and the girls are coming over for waffles and gifts later this morning. They'll head out to the lake to visit Grandma & Gramps, and we'll go enjoy dinner and mayhem with the boys.
I miss all of my sibs, nieces/nephews and babies, and Mimi over in Seattle, and of course Fred and Irene in VA (get home for the umpteenth time you idiots!) Wish we could all be together!


Sue said...

what a nice mama you are!

Sue said...

when are you coming over - or should I mail my fabu gifts??

Unknown said...

At this rate, late summer. Mom's car is covered in about 42" of snow at this point! :)

Laurie said...

true that. I mailed yours so look for a little package soon!