Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bring Em Home: State Fauna

We are scraping the bottom of the 'state comparison' barrels this week, because I have tried my damndest to be witty and clever and those two clowns are STILL living in Virginia!

Time to get out the big guns: which state has cooler animals?

Washington has the Apple Maggot, Virginia the Gypsy Moth. I dunno, somehow the maggot just sounds tougher and meaner than a gypsy...

Salmon vs. Catfish. No contest there, I'm not eating anything with disgusting whiskers.

The Dungeness Crab is known as the "King of Crabs" and can grow up to 15". VA's Blue Crab is a punk, only about 5.5", and is mean as hell besides.

Does VA have Geoducks? Nope. And though we may consider that a good thing about Virginia, for the sake of argument let's pretend the geoduck is a desirable animal to have in your state...


Cara said...

the goeduck is definately not something i would use as an arguement, but WA doesnt have gross things that live in their lakes and bite people when they are swimming.

Katie said...

Cara, I totally agree... our lakes are clean and bite-free. and mom, one of your best efforts to date.

Sue said...

just give them the "OR ELSE"

Unknown said...

Best post yet. Hard to argue against any of that. And though the goeduck is creepy, it is uniquely Northwest!

Meg said...

Geeze Lavs, you really stepped it up a notch. Kate, were you even able to stomach the geoduck...I know about your fears and all.

zaideafraidey said...

nothing in Washington lakes, you have got to hear Jamies rendition of the Lake Sammamish adventure, right up there with Kips throw up story and anything Jon chooses to regale us with.

Sue said...

B - we are trying to get them HOME . . .

Laurie said...

we are ignoring Lake Samm. since it is also the site of T. Bundy horror. And I am pretty sure the VA waters still have worse biting things in them. And yeah for joining the campaign Megs! That may be the breaking point for those two goons.

Lis said...

Did you ever see the Dirty Jobs episode with geoducks? very funny. It might go along well with the "parts" theme your blog has taken recently.

Katie said...

Megs- NO i would probably DIE if i ever came across a geoduck in real life, even though i think they technically live on shore and not in the water, they are still fairly horrifying. if it was dead it would be fine i guess... they basically just look like a giant penis anyways