Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Car Conversations

The driver in a car full of boys gets to hear all kinds of stuff, most of it gross :-) Yesterday, we had this convo:

Liam: Laurie, did you know I did a grown up fart?

Lavs: No, what is that?

Alex: yeah he did and it smelled really bad!

Liam: you save up all your farts for a month, or all winter, then you fart. It's really loud!

Mikey: Yeah!


Meg said...

Dying. I hope we have another girl:).

Katie said...

wow, i didn't know about "grown-up farts" - so glad Liam is around to teach us these things.

Sue said...


Laurie said...

too late. That's where they learned "douchbag", another interesting car conversation.

Cara said...

i can only imagine what spending time in a car with these guys is like! i am highly concerned about the douchbag story. do tell...