Today is a very special day! RJ turns 10! and Mikey is 4! Man, time sure flies...these guys are growing up way too fast. The birthday boys are celebrating with a big bowl of Top Ramen for breakfast. RJ and Jon are going rock climbing and snake hunting; if they make it back alive (doubtful) there will be an ice cream cake tonight. Mikey wants Transformers cake, hope Baskin & Robbins can deliver.
Man, time really does fly. crazy. did you ever get the mp3 player?
i cant believe how old they are> i was looking at some old pics of the boys from kt's summer as their nanny. they were soooo tiny!
Ice cream cake sounds amazing.
Katie, I'm getting their prezzies when I get paid, and RJ is impatiently waiting.
Love it! And RJ needs a haircut.
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