Friday, June 17, 2011

A Manly Yarn for a Manly Man

Remember how I've been complaining about being in a knitting slump?  Despite having tons of yarn and patterns?  Well, that hasn't prevented me from adding to the stash.

And when I saw this yarn from 3 Irish Girls with the color name "CARSON", well, it just had to find a home in my stash pile(s).  Sharon describes the colorway as "manly", which suits our little Carsie to a t.  I think it may become a hat, as he is such a fine hat-boy:

lol, I didn't notice him wearing Hadley's "hair" hat (3rd row far right) until just now.  He rocks the braids.


Cara said...

love the hat on the bottom left.

Lis said...

Pretty colors. And he does wear those hats well.