Now that I have an IPod (which could be the greatest invention since, well since EVER), I've been adding some podcasts so that I have something to listen to when I'm waiting for the boys to get out of school, tae kwon do, appointments, etc. Here's what I am listening to currently:
- "This American Life" a weekly program on NPR, which features kind of wacky essays and stories around a weekly theme. This week is "True Urban Legends" (can a rat actually crawl up your toilet?)
- "Fresh Air" also from NPR. Terry Gross is the best interviewer I've ever heard (no Larry King brown-nosing here!) and she always has interesting guests on the show.
- "Cast On" a podcast about knitting and more. Brenda Dayne lives in Wales and lives the life I dream about.
- "A History of the World in 100 Objects" from the BBC. 15 minute stories about various objects from the collection of the British Museum.
i dont listen to podcasts, but i keep meaning to start. im pretty sick of all the music on my ipod right now, it makes for a long couple hours in the car each day. im gonna have to get on it!
Oh i JUST discovered "Stuff You Should Know" - it's AWESOME! you'd love it!
and, of course, can't beat Ricky...
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