It's a little hard to tell in this picture, but Jon is building an amazing Chicken Fort. He's using sod to build this bad boy, which I'm sure the chickens are going to LUV, what with the worm and bug possibilities. Not sure what happens when it rains, though.
Where are they finding that much sod??? Are there still chickens left?
what are you talking about sod queen???
That was a good one Zaids! Hope he has some inner reenforcement so it doesn't cave in and smothercate the chickens that are left - and I see you are taking the pic from a very safe distance . . .
it already partially collapsed once, so I believe there are now sturdy reinforcements. And the sod is from the terraces in Lorraine's yard that he's turning back into gardens. It's an urban farm here folks. But if the fort collapses on the chickens, there are going to be major tears.
we only had sod enough for a lawn...not random piles to make a fort. :-)
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