I'm a couple of days late, but wanted to wish our baby brother a happy birthday! "Sliver" has always been the life of the party, the perfect baby bro...funny, good natured, and a darn good sport (he hardly complained at being called Sliver, Slivovitz, Splinter, Jon Helen, or any of the other nicknames he has endured over the years).
And I am happy to report, he seldom makes this face anymore, nor does his hair look like this.
Happy BD!
great pic. and i do believe i recognize the other person in that picture
much younger and skinnier! But still me!
You, obviously, have not seen Sliv in a while - he totally makes that face and has that hair - we have been talking about Lorraine's may have to get over there and sit down with her - what do you think? Where are the plans from ???
she has a set from Ziggy's that I think she likes. She's going to try to find them and get them over to Jon. And I guess he does still do the face and has that hair, my bad.
ditto Susna, I think he makes that face too.
I hope you and Sliv get to do Lorraine's if only so we East-siders get to see you on the other side of the mountains!
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