Sunday, August 10, 2008

Camping Fun (and disasters)

no pictures with this post, just a little story about how good I am at roughing it:

Thank god Steve came along bc our campsite (tent, boy's pup tent, kitchen, etc) was set up and ready to go in no time. Unfortch, I opted to be in charge of blowing up my fancy air bed. Which promptly got two giant holes in the sides. First night, we just laid out the flat mattress and attempted to sleep on it (here's where the hip and butt padding might come in handy, but nooo. Still painful to lay on rocks and roots). Next day, we set out to get a patch kit in town, which we then left at the hardware store and Steve had to drive back to get.

He patched the holes and we crawled into bed, where we realized we had yet another hole somewhere. Which meant pumping up our mattress every hour through the night.

Our campsite was quite a ways from the bathroom, natch. And after one of the 2 am mattress pumpings, I had to pee something fierce. Being the savvy camper, I decided to grab a package of tissues and pee in the bushes. I had no flashlight, so had to position myself VERY carefully to avoid nettles. No nettles, but I forgot to position my pj bottoms and ended up with pee all over my pants leg.

AND I FELL AGAIN! What's the deal here? Actually, I had a reason both times (last time, I tripped over a sidewalk crack, this time I slipped on wet concrete around the water faucet). I bonked my head and my arm has a ginormous bruise from armpit to elbow.

Next vacation better be to a luxury hotel is all I'm sayin'


Unknown said...

I am laughing so hard right now picturing you tripping and falling in your pee-spattered PJs. Falling is funny even if it's just in your head. Sorry about the bruise though.

Cara said...

sounds like kts peeing incident on the way back from charlestown, wv

Allison said...

At least you didn't fall into a patch of poision ivy during the peeing incident!

Laurie said...

we need to know about Katie's peepee debacle!