Friday, August 15, 2008

Watching the Olympics of Course!

I've been trying to watch as much Olympics coverage as I can (it's better to watch others sweat than to do so myself). Of course, the gymnastics events with the fabulously named Elfi Schlegel commentating is a favorite.

If I ever get a dog, Elfi Schlegel is my #2 name choice, right after Sam Evans.


Cara said...

is there anything better than the summer olympics? unfortch i have been having to stay up until 2am everynight to watch. 4 hours of sleep a night is not good.

Laurie said...

me too, it's murder. But worth it. I missed you and Pooh when Elfi and Tim were commentating. And you'd better come home for Winter Oly, bc I will die w/o you guys listening to D Button and S Ham with me!

Sue said...

Uhmm - if you took the Hoolis - the names would be perfect . . .

Laurie said...

haha, they already have names I'm sure they don't answer to. and neither one is intrinsically evil enough to be re-named SAM EVANS. sorry!