Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Show Makes Me Want to Hit Someone

Katie has the day off today, which mean Lulu and I are subjected to some really craptastic TV shows.  We prefer to spend our days viewing PBS and The History Channel.

"Pregnant in Heels" is on right now, and I seriously want to lash out and beat someone.  The expectant couples on this show could NOT be more vapid, self-absorbed, selfish and stupid if they tried.  The "host" (Rosie Pope over there) has either a speech impediment or the WORST ACCENT ever heard on the Planet Earth.  If I hear her say "Ba-beh" one more time, I don't know what I'm going to do.  But it won't be pretty.  Beware, Katie.


Cara said...

I will agree that Rosie's accent/speech problem is annoying, but i LOVE this show. Total train wreck!

Lis said...

never even heard of it. thank god.

Katie said...

i love it so so much now. once you tune out the speech thing. ;)

Meg said...

Oh God...I LOVE ROSIE POPE. And all the retardedness she comes with. Her accent/impedment is the best. Hang in there. You'll learn to love her.

BERMD said...

Laurie, just switch the channel. If you really want to go crazy watch Housewives of Orange County. That is a train wreck on steroids to paraphrase Cara.

This is why we should all support PBS!


Laurie said...

sadly, I don't control the remote in this house, so am forced to watch all kinds of crap. And even more sadly, I did get sucked into the Pregnant w Heels marathon. Still despised all the horrible preggos but secretly started to love Rosie. Either she quit saying "Bay-beh" or I got used to it.