Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gardening, Yay!

Pia and I made a trip to the nursery and bought some flowers for our sad little beds:

I know this doesn't look impressive, but believe me, it's a huge improvement over the weeds!  I also got a tomato and some hummingbird-friendly plants for our Topsy Turvy planters.  Plus this tool:

A pitchfork for my compost bin!  I feel so garden-y!  Now if we just get more than 2 days of sunshine, stuff might grow...


Lis said...

Our veg patch is looking pretty sad. We need sun BAD.

Unknown said...

You forgot to mention our adorable guy with the hot accent that helped us take everything out and load our car. I wonder what else I might need at Staneks...?

Laurie said...

too young for me, so I forgot about him. But he WAS def. cute with that Oz accent. We can go back...

zaideafraidey said...

love that tool, shorter handled tolls work great, I love my shovel too.

Laurie said...

I forked the compost pile yesterday, it worked great. Of course, I only had enough strength for about 3 minutes' of forking, but still.