Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chicken Run

The three chickens (Little Honey, Grizelda and Sprints) are living the good life in the P's back yard...for now.  They flew into the neighbor's yard last week and evidently she doesn't like chickens.  She called the county chicken Nazis, and we are expecting a visit from the Chicken Gestapo any time...

Meanwhile, they are laying eggs pretty regularly, and Mike's favorite breakfast is now fresh scrambled eggs.  It's an exciting morning when we crack open a double yolker!

So when I went to the fair yesterday, I had to snap some pix in the chicken barn:

These are good looking birds, but they don't hold a candle to our girls.

This morning, Lucy and I (I'm babysitting this weekend) met Lorraine, Alex and Liam at "Chickenpalooza" a little fair about urban chicken-ing.  Here's Al hanging with the chicks:

Our visit was cut a wee bit short when Lucy Lou tried to kill a service dog.  She doesn't mind her grammy very well.  And now my broken arm is ripped out of the socket from her lunging on the leash.  But it was fun anyways.


Laurie said...

I thought my little girl could handle it. My arm says I am a dork

Laurie said...

and she really didn't hassle the chickens, it was the sight of the 'service dog' coat that must have offended her fashion sense or something...

Sue said...

Katie better get on it and find her a sweet burberry coat