After at least 15 years as my wallet, I'm finally saying goodbye to old faithful "wallet on a string" (remember those?) and replacing her with a pretty new wallet Katie gave me for Xmas. WOAS has been a good friend all these years, even if she never magically multiplied my dollars or anything.
You seriously had a wallet for 15 years...that is half my life. You are kind of hilarious...I don't think I've had anything for 15 years. Well, I guess I had my virginity for longer than that...but not much else. Too much info? I've had a few beers, sorry.
arr you sure your virginity lasted that long cuz i have my doubts. and I'm kind of missing woas already!
haha, Lavs you crack me up (although i was kinda thinking the same thing... sorry Megs)!
but it was definitely time for a new wallet. although i really think you are exaggerating on the 15 years???
I am dying at WOAS.
I seriously don't think I'm exaggerating about how old that wallet was. It was waaay past time to let her go to wallet heaven.
I am so glad that I was not with you when you pulled out WOAS, do not keep things for 15 years, and NEVER put rubber bands around your wallet.
how about rubberbands around the checkbook?
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