Thank god for bike helmets. Steve got hit by a car today, and was sent sailing over the car that hit him. If he hadn't been wearing his helmet, his brains would be strewn all over Garland Ave.
The beyotch who hit him kept going, may she rot in hell. Two nice ladies did stop and help him, and the police, fire dept and Q6 News came too (if he's not dead, I don't think he'll make the evening news tho)
He has a nasty cut on his eyebrow, his thumb is mangled and he has various cuts and scrapes. But he is not residing in the brain-dead section of the hospital thank jebus.
Wear those helmets, folks!
Holy ish! That really sucks. Guessing no one saw a plate or anything?
no, unfortunately the person sped away too fast. But you can believe we will be keeping our eyes peeled for a little blue car with a bike sized dent in the side and an a-hole behind the wheel :-0
oh my gosh!!! scary... any broken bones?
I don't think so, of course he wouldn't go to the doc. Dr. Sliver patched him up with his patented 'mountain man' surgical techniques and he's sort of limping around today, sore but not dying. Nurse Katie needs to come over and check him out!
all Nurse Katie ever does (at least out at camp) is tell people that they need to go to the hospital... ;)
I hope he gets well soon, and they catch that driver.
can't you dress wounds or anything useful?
Mom, she's only good if you need an iv put in or a chemo med given. Know your daughter. I'm glad Steve is doing ok. Get him a new helmet ASAP.
oh no actually i LOVE taking care of wounds! LOVE it! i just never get any good ones at camp... but i do rock. so eff you Pia.
COME OVER. Skyn's thumb will prolly fall off when you change the dressing. You will enjoy that.
Meg is the same way, no help unless you need a chemo hook up (rumor has it that she actually turned the other way when someone was hurt by Safeco and needed medical assistance.) Glad Steve is doing better, I hate that lady.
and I'm trying to give him more than my standard 3 days of caring then I turn into a complete beyotch. It is really incredible that someone would do that. And it's a very timely reminder to wear the helmet/seat belt/ etc. cuz ya never know...
oh and Zaide, Katie did the same thing so nurses obvs. can't be trusted as 'first responders' lol
hey i'd respond if i was the only one around... but if things are under control i'm sure not gonna bust in and be all "i'm a nurse! i can help!" unless, of course, they appear to need some chemo.
Karma's a bitch, that lady will get hers...and chances are it will be on the evening news! Poor Steve, glad he's on the mend. And I'm sure Kato can do a mean wet-to-dry dressing on that little thumb. Did he at least get some oxycontin out of the crash? That might make it a little worth it?
no! the manly man refused to go to the ER where he might have at least gotten some good drugs :-0 Katie came over this morning and checked out the thumb. Retch city.
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