Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Team C-Dog!

I heart Cloris Leachman! My daughters keep hoping for her demise on Dancing With The Stars, but I love the old biddy. I know she doesn't actually DANCE, and she is incredibly annoying when she butts in on everyone else's camera time. But hey, she was FRAU BLUCHER for the love of god.


Cara said...

i love and hate Cloris all at the same time. I think its great that she is on the show, but the time has come for her to get the gas!!!!

Laurie said...

NO. The Cloris Club (tm) will keep her on till the very end, I just KNOW it. AND she was also Nurse Diesel in High Anxiety, so she gets major props for that and Blucher.

Katie said...

I effing HATE Cloris. And La Lucci too, who desperately needs to eat a sandwich. I'm team Lance!

Katie said...

ps every time Cloris' partner throws her around the floor (can't be called dancing) i'm waiting nervously for her to fall and break a hip. plus she's freaking annoying.

Meg said...

She's going to break a hip, get pneumonia while laying in the hospital bed, and die of a UTI from some nurse that puts the foley in her peaches...and then found her urethra. Of course she should die of something vaginally related with the name 'clitoris'.

Sue said...

cloris needs the boot - and we are on team warren!!! get funky!

Laurie said...
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