Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yikes! Or Should I Say Golly...

I'm adding some 'vintage' pattern books to sell on my website. One is a book from 1941, and includes this doll, called a "Gollywog". Yikes, this is "so fucking wrong" as Katie just exclaimed. Was it okay back in '41?


zaideafraidey said...

not sure what was wrong or right but if we went to a pancake house called Little Black the meantime are you watching Mad Men, if not that show will really take you back to just what "we" were doing in the 60's. We def have come a long way.

Laurie said...

BRING YOUR SEASON 1 TO CABIN!!!! I totes want to watch this show but need to start at beginning. And you're prob. right, I do remember LBS pancake house, not to mention eeny meeny miney mo...

Sue said...

or Brazil nuts by any other name . . . How could those things ever be considered ok???

Laurie said...

I was just telling the girls about brazil nuts, they were horrified and actually so was I. Thank god times have changed.

Katie said...

actually mom, we had heard about "brazil nuts" from Gloria Lund (shocker) - i think i first heard that when i was about 12 LOL

Laurie said...

oh good (well not actually good), I thought maybe WE had introduced you to that one. Horrid!

Unknown said...

you introduced me to it. I'd never heard them called that before. Truly disturbing!

Meg said...

Please knit me a gollywog so I can teach Hadley all about our racist relatives.

Laurie said...

consider it done. You bring the brazil nuts to Turkey Day.

Laura said...

I remember reading H Rider Haggard's "She" as a child, and also Rudyard Kipling. tried to listen to them on audio books recently, and was shocked at all the blatant racism!
truly so bad i couldn't listen and deleted the download!