I am getting a lot of stuff finished this week! Yay, that means I can start new projects! Here's the Spiderman blankie I knit for my little buddy Mikey. He is 3, and you know 3 year olds really believe they ARE superheroes. Mikey is pretty dang sure he's the webspinner himself. So he's going to love his new blankie.
OMG, I hope he doesn't ruin it. too cute.
I don't think he CAN ruin it, it's knit in acrylic yarn. Yuck but it can survive nuclear war.
Or a three year old. Way to use your time wisely mom!
Oh it turned out SO great! i love it and i'm sure Mikey will too!!!
I just see him shooting his 'web' out of his spidey finger now. Too cute.
THank sfor the nice share..STC Technologies
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