The boys are building soap box derby cars this week with an incredibly patient guy :-) There are 8 kids in the group and they are making 2 racers. Here's Liam trying out his team's car (the sides are going on and the painting is being done today). Tomorrow is the big race! I'll try to get some good pix of the little speedsters.
Jon and I were reminiscing about how the neighborhood gang used to build our our go-carts and go careening down the 'big hill' on Madrona St. No brakes unless you count your feet, and I seem to recall some sort of steering that never really worked. It's a wonder we didn't kill ourselves.
funny we were just reminiscing about that the other day. I recall we used a string/rope tied to each side of a 2x4, and really cranked on it to make that turn, if not all was not lost you just ended up in Donna Evan's planter box. Another thing I remember is no wheels attached to anything were safe from our foraging, it's a wonder dad ever got the lawn mowed. It is amazing we are alive and not as brain damaged as we could be.
and certainly no adults were ever involved in the planning/construction of these death machines. Poor Donna's planter! And it does explain a LOT about us and our mental health now lol.
i never did this but it seems like such a kid thing to do - totally dangerous but awesome.
We were never creative enough to build. We just put pillows in the wagon, went to the top of the hill, sat down and steered with the handle. What morons.
kids think they are indestructible, obviously :-)
Okay, hate to ruin a perfectly happy post but where in the hell are those boys' helmets??? Lavs, the hospital is full we don't have any room for traumatic brain injuries, so get those boys safe! Otherwise, it looks like a grand time...brain swelling and all.
oh they wore the helmet when they were actually piloting the craft. This was just a photo op. Trust me, the twins are Safety Sams; they know ALL about the time Little Tony flipped over his bike handlebars and crashed on his head. The only time he had ever worn his helmet thank God.
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