My great niece Tatum is the most adorable little girl you've ever seen (and I know all my relatives agree with me, she's precious). Her mom met me at the yarn store today, and Tate and baby sis Loggity came along. When I met them, Tate asked, "Lowdie, do you want to see what I have on my peaches?", and of course I said yes. She pulled down her skirt, stuck out her little bum, and showed me the apple that was printed on her tights. She thought that was a laugh riot, and of course I did too. Then we walked around the yarn store looking at all the 'wacko' yarns (plus the wacko customers, including one with a very brightly colored mohawk-y sort of hairdo)
God I love her.
And good call Lowdie, who would say no to seeing some peaches?!?!
certainly not those cute ones!
Peaches better go in the Sundstrom dictionary mom. We can't leave out the obvious ones. I love that Tate flashed her bum in the yarn store. That's my girl!
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