We had a great time, the weather was beautiful, with warm days and cool nights. The twins FINALLY got brave enough to ride their bikes without training wheels, and in about 30 seconds were tearing around the camp area with their new buddy Tyson (that's Alex, Tyson and Liam aka the Road Hogs). Mikey decided it was his big chance to learn to ride a scooter, and he worked hard at learning how to ride on a Razor.
Big brother Riveria was not feeling well, poor guy, so he did a lot of napping. But he was a good sport about it, no whining.
Lorraine (Mama to these handsome fellas) and I took the twins and Mikey out for a hike on the old Log Flume trail (they used to send the logs down to Priest Lake on this flume and then raft them down to the mills), and it was quite pretty. There were a lot of trees down after the early summer storm that tore through the camp (the boys are STILL wide eyed about that little adventure), but the forest service is on the job with clearing and planting. Steve caught up with us on his bike, no walking for that guy!
We spent a whole day at the beach, the water was really nice and we had a little inflatable boat to paddle in, plus Lorraine's friends brought their canoe. All the grown-ups got a little sunburned, guess we forgot to put on the sunscreen.
As usual, we ate like kings -- no pork and beans for these campers. Chef extraordinaire Miss Priscilla fed us her fab carne asada, Juliette and Jeff provided salmon on cedar planks, Lorraine whipped up great breakfasts and made sure no one went hungry for more than a minute. I brought homemade peach pie (with each boy getting their own special little pie) and fried chicken. There go my dreams of maybe losing a few pounds over the summer!
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