Just arrived home from Seattle, a trip that was not without its little adventures. Fought off sleep the whole way of course (could Seattle-Spokane BE any more boring? I think not...) Got within 2 miles of the house, off the freeway and on the last stretch of highway headed to home, when oops! I'm getting pulled over for going 70 in a 55 mph zone. Damn! Not only was I speeding, but I also had an expired driver's license (forgot it needed to be renewed on my birthday last month!) and my insurance had just lapsed (forgot I needed to renew that too!) We won't mention the Virginia license plate cuz Officer Friendly didn't...
My $113.00 speeding tickie was just the perfect finishing touch to the week's automotive horror. I'm glad to be home, and other than a trip to the DMV to renew my license, I am staying inside for a while!
I was just getting ready ro see if you got home safely - and I see that at least you made it HOME -
exactly. and boy, I'm glad to be here, couldn't deal with any more adventures!
you goofball!!!
hey - when it happens, it happen A LOT
seriously. I hit the trifecta of horror.
YIKES! Thank God you were not arrested. Those po-po's in Spokie have nothing better to do...except bust Meth addicts. Thanks sucks Laur.
and they'd much rather bust little old ladies driving Volvos 10 miles over the speed limit. Apparently we don't generally tweak on them and try to run them over or anything.
and the worst part is, it doesn't do any good to bat eyelashes or cry or show cleavage (which is generally near our waists) now that we have turned into Lorene and Birdie
true, we have no cards left to play. Except the Alzheimer's card, which did get me out of extra fines for the expired license and ins. And my new DL picture is the WORST EVER, I look just like Lorene/Birdie, take your pick!
alas, we are doomed - but the photo has to be better than my "planet of the apes" one
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