This is what Katie REALLY does when she is supposed to be working...
Join Katie's Yakima Branch of Dunder Mifflin! (for you non-"Office" people, that is the fictional paper products company where the show is set.) If she gets 15 employees to 'apply', she will become branch manager (and evidently have absolute power of all of us...hmmm)
To 'apply' go to the Dunder Mifflin Infinity website and be sure to select the Yakima branch and use the employee hiring code ekmwah2cgf
okay I was NOT working when i signed up! i was at home, hiding from Mimi in my room. SO there.
awright, that's a legit excuse lol. But you are just as likely to be doing this crap when you are working, admit it.
ok, i signed up , but DON'T make me one of the frumpy "ofice" ladies - even if i am!
Hey I LOVE Phyllis, she is my role model!
Why would you ever be hiding from Mimi:)?? I signed up, but it wasn't easy...so don't even bother asking the B.
I signed up, and I agree with Megs, it wasn't easy.
blame your new boss Katie, not me. And I am soooo proud of B for doing an email 'forward' that I'm just sure she's ready for this!
I'm in Katie. Maybe one of us should just sign Zaide up and make it easy on her... :) Love you B!
thanks gang! LOL...
and I absolutely admit it is something I'd do while bored at work.
I absolutely admit that this is something I'd do while bored at work...
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