not really, it's rather cloudy here today. I arrived safely, after enduring the world' longest, most boring drive across the state. I swear I stopped about every 50 miles to get out and walk around, as I kept trying to fall asleep at the wheel.
I discovered a sure fire way to get traffic moving during rush hour on the floating bridge: I was so bored, I got out my knitting and started working on my 1883 shawl...no sooner had I gotten started than voila! End of traffic jam. PS don't try knitting and driving on the freeway if you are going faster than 1 mph.
Today, I get to go to Sun Spa for a facial! Woot woot! I will probably get yelled at for taking such terrible care of my skin. Always wear sunscreen, young ladies. After that, I think Katie is meeting us for dinner.
I can't wait to see your new youthful glow!
yes I will be young and fresh as a daisy when I finish ;-0
she was more like a wet noodle -
lol! So, how'd it go at the spa mom? Did they laugh you out of the building? Are you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your visit?
they were very nice, didn't hardly yell at all when I wrote "none" for my skin care routine.
Smart gal for writing "none". I always lie (because I am scared to get in trouble) and then they ask me what I use...and I just start making stuff up, things that prob. make no sense. And then they end up trying to get me to buy a million dollars worth of their products. Next time I'm writing "none".
it's easier that way. And then they don't try too hard to sell you the exp. crap bc they are forewarned that you don't give a damn about skin care anyways.
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