My girl Helen Mirren scored another win at the Emmy's last night, and upheld the honor of us mature ladies by looking rockin' as ever. As you may know, Helen & I are practically BFF's, since she and I stood thisclose outside Buckingham Palace when Cara and I were on our fab London trip a couple of years ago.
Love the H-Dog!!!
i must admit i do love helen since our brush with celebrity in London. although i do wonder if it counts since we had no idea who it was at first. oh well.
IT COUNTS! I knew who she was! I just didn't realize who the tiny lady standing next to me was till I looked over. Your ignorance doesn't count. lol, when can we go back!!!??? I was just reliving the whole Harrod's/dog poop day in my mind...
Great minds think alike! Whenever I hear Helen's name or see her photo I think of you at Harrod's with the poop on your shoe!
LOL the highlight of the trip. or the best story anyway.
That is up there for me too. I can't believe you had to buy new tennies.
I was telling someone the dog poop story to one of my co-workers the other day and laughing about the fact that we had to pay like $150 for a new pair of plain old Nike's for you!
but they were imported British Nikes! lol, what a day
Oh my Gawd, we are so all on the same page. When I saw your pic of Hel, and then read your little blurb, I was thinking to myself "isn't that the same day she stepped in poop and had to buy $800 Nikes?". Too funny you gals!
And trust me...Helen and Sir Anthony Hopkins probably had tea the other day and Helen was telling about the poor bum she was standing next to a few years ago who smelled of feces.
LOL, i'm still secretely convinced that Helen is only like 40 years old... I don't know why.
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