Thursday, July 22, 2010

Arm Update

I'm improving!  While I'm still unable to sleep in my bed (for some reason, it's super-hard to find a comfortable position in bed), I have finally cast aside the sling.  I have pretty good range of motion in the 'up and down' area, but have a long way to go before I'm going to be able to scratch my back with the left arm. 


Meg said...

Can't you get a fake arm like on 'The Fugitive'...maybe get one that rivals the chick with the world's longest fingernails. That would be one freaky prostethic arm!!!

Laurie said...

ooh good idea! I have the infamous wooden hand, maybe I can work with that.

zaideafraidey said...

so glad you are improving.
ps - do you need your knitting stuff you left at the cabin.

Laurie said...

of COURSE I left something behind. It's my trademark move. I can live w/o it, just hang onto the magnetic board for me.

Cara said...

when dont you leave something behind? i still have a bag of your knitting goodies that you left here last time!!

Laurie said...

LOL mail it to me Car!