Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Car Convo With Mikey

Lavs: I saw a rainbow on my way to work this morning, Mikey. Do you know what's at the end of the rainbow?

Mikey: A pot of gold.

Lavs: That's right! And if you find the pot of gold, the leprechaun has to give it you.

Mikey: then I will be rich!

Lavs: yep. The leprechaun might be sad though.

Mikey: I can take half and the leprechaun can keep half. Then he will be happy and I will be happy.

Lavs: Mikey, you make ME happy :-)

1 comment:

Meg said...

You can tell he's the youngest...thinking of ways to make it all even, so at least he gets some too. Maybe he could teach Hads a thing or two.