Just got home from my first visit to the dentist in way too long. Ack. I'm a total 'white knuckle' dental patient, I need to be sedated for the x-rays :-) Looks like I am going to be getting 3 crowns yay. They've promised to knock me out if necessary. My palms are sweating already.
that sucks... boo.
at least I have insurance now! So it will only be 600 instead of 3 thou. Yay I love to spend my money on dental work :-(
Oh mommy. Sorry for the three crowns. But your mouth will be so much happier when you have it done!
i hate, hate, hate the dentist!!
wierd about the dentist, bring your nano and a blanket, I find the blanket really is warm and relaxing. Oh and some chap stik.
oh my dentist has blankies, music and tv you can plug in, paraffin hand treatments, massaging chair and more. Doesn't help my anxiety :-(
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