Thursday, January 6, 2011

Intestinal Fortitude

Tomorrow is the big day: Colonoscopy! 

Hopefully it will just be a routine procedure with no snipping of polyps involved.  In preparation for the event, I went with the "colonic irrigation" option rather than the Go-Lightly, which makes me projectile vomit.  Without getting too detailed, the colonic is a super-enema...

Now to survive a day without anything good to eat or drink!


Lis said...

Wow, you might have labeled this one TMI. :-) good luck.

zaideafraidey said...

be thinking of you. I kind of like the day of...makes you feel skinny (ier)!!!

Meg said...

Think how skinny you'll be. Maybe the whole binge/purge/colonics/starvation really is worth it...let us know:).

Laurie said...

you'd think it would be the ultimate weight loss program. At least I did feel somewhat thinner for the day. All went well, and glad it's done.