School is closed AGAIN today, due to super-icy side streets. It's like a skating rink out there! Roofs are collapsing all over town, luckily ours has a steep pitch so we aren't in imminent danger of cave-in. Pia hasn't worked in weeks, poor thing (I'm sure she's missing her students like crazy ;-) The boys and I are hanging around the house relaxing. Maybe I will get some knitting done, if the boys let me (usually they insist I put the knitting down so they can sit on my lap. This phase probably won't last much longer, so I try to take all the snuggles I can get)
Sounds like a fun day. I did have school yesterday, so that's cool. One day on, one day off. We'll never get anything done in my classroom, but I feel very refreshed.
Oh, and that's what they are doing at my school today. It was closed due to unsafe roof. They had a shoveling party today, which I chose not to attend.
lucky duck...
I'm sure shoveling the roof is NOT in your contract ;-) Wise decision.
Snow days are fun for about one-two days max...and then you realize you're going to be in school until July...
Gack. Pia's going to be at school for the rest of her life with make up days. The boys too.
we prefer the boys be locked up at school as much as possible lol.
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