I managed to complete a total of 41 knitting projects in 2008! Plus the t-shirt quilt! My grand total was assisted considerably by the Advent Tree ornaments, which are still not quite finished.
My fave? So hard! I love Mikey's dog sweater, Piggy and Munchy the pig and penguin ornaments, my various 'mystery' knitalongs, and the Beer Sweaters were all a lot of fun to do, and turned out well.
What's on the needles in '09? Lots of stuff! I'm trying to finish the ornaments so I can put them away, I still have 2 shawls to do (the Halloween Mystery Shawl and Mystic Something or Other), I have tons of socks I want to knit, and I am going to make the Great American Aran Afghan out of CASHMERE!!! Woot Woot that is going to be the most fab blanket EVER. Oh, and I want to knit some cute sweaters for the little girls I happen to know and love, plus the boys have a long list of items they need (starting with a boat! for Alex, that would be a life-size boat mind you). I am also planning to knit a couple of sweaters for ME, as I never seem to have anything warm and handy to toss on when I get chilly. It's either that or buy a 'slanket' (never). Plus I need mittens!
As you can see, there's no shortage of projects in the offing. Yay for snowy weather so I can stay in and knit!
You know you want the slanket. No one believes your "never". The cashmere afghan sounds amazing...
that little sweater couldn't be cuter. I hope two little girls I know are on the "know and love" list. Now that I have FINISHED my holiday stockings (have seen no blog pics up yet ladies) I might get even braver in '09!!!
you've been a busy girl! And i agree, the cashmere afghan sounds pretty effing awesome...
of course they are Zaide! I have 2 darling sweater patterns picked out that will be just perfect for M & H. And tell those big girls to get off the schneid we want to see pix of your stockings.
Rats, stocking pics will have to wait until we go back to the cabin. You are quite the talent Ms. Kynaston...that's un-fucking-believable that you've accomplished so many projects. Don't forget about the father/daughter Potter hats:). Glad we get to reap the benefits of such a needle-tastic lady.
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