This was on "Go Fug Yourself" today:
I recently considered buying a Slanket to wear around the house. Until I realized that, for me, getting a Slanket was like the equivalent of taking out a television ad announcing to the world that I have just given up.
LOL, I might just have to buy one now!
that is too funny, we were discussing the Slanket at work today, everyone agreed with me about it being completely ridiculous.
I'm kind of in love with it now that its a sign of my personal apocalypse
NOOOOOO, no slanket. You'll accidentally knit it to all your projects and then what?
You could use the Slanket as another "Bring 'Em Home" campaign; refuse to take it off until they do.
Or, it would make a great tent for the boys to play campout in!
hey I like those ideas, Allison. Maybe I could threaten to go to VA and wander around Fredericksburg in a slanket until they agree to come home!
Brilliant, they couldn't refuse if you do that!
Exactly! Doing that may even get them fired from their jobs, and would bring them home sooner...Or the people in the town will think you are the ghost of Mary Todd Lincoln....
ha, MTL was too fashionable to ever be seen in a slanket!
MTL started to do all sorts of weird things when she went nuts...including walking around town naked.
then she really could have used a Slanket!
I gotta so, Allison you are a funny chick. We'll trade you in for one of our other aunts.
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