So I'm totally looking nerdy today. I'd take a pix, but you know how my pictures turn out and a self-portrait would be really not pretty.
My glasses had an unfortunate collision with Mikey's noggin. That thing is like a boulder. He came away unscathed, but my specs got broken. I had to put them together with tape until I got home (hence the nerd/Poindexter reference), then Skyn repaired them with some epoxy. I still look like a nerd, but at least I can see. Off to the optomitrist for new spectacles on pay day!
Maybe for something like this?:

Are you going for the naughty librarian look, cause I think those would help pull it off! JK. I love them!
Naughty Nanny maybe.
What is it about little boy's heads?! Years ago, my daughter and her friend were on our trampoline; she broke her tooth on his head, and he wasn't fazed in the least; no marks, no tears. Go figure!
I KNOW> I was practically unconscious, he gave his head a little shake and was on his way.
you are scaring me a little
lol you KNOW I would look totally fab in rhinestone cats-eye glasses!
now I have a little throw-up in my mouth. Is there a student nurse in the house?
HAHA. OK I'll drop the cat's eye idea.
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