Steve and I met up with Lorraine, Jon (as Alex whispered to me: "Jon & Mama sitting in a tree!!!..."), and the boys at First Night for some NY Eve fun. Spokane puts on a great celebration downtown on NYE for the whole family. We somehow managed to miss the entire kids' arts/crafts/entertainment venue but still had a great time and found plenty of stuff to do:
RJ checking out the crazy lady knitting with giant needles.

Spokane has a fabulous carrousel, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2009. Of course, we had to take a ride. Liam and Alex were expert at snatching the rings! Alex rode with his light saber, never can tell when you might need to shout "Hi Yo, Silver!" and battle a bad guy when you are horseback riding.

The "Bubble Wrap Run" was our favorite. Great noise maker!

Jon and Mama enjoying the festivities.

Mikey with his light saber. He had to keep it out of Jon's clutches, or else he wasn't getting it back. We should have bought 5 of them!

Obi Wan Alex

The twins on the PF Chang's ginormous horse statue.

Our best New Year's Eve faces
Super fun mom. Looks like a great time was had by all. Your pics were GREAT! Sorry we missed out on all the fun with you...esp. the bubble wrap room (greatest invention ever).
love the snow outfits....too cute
How cute would it be if Jon and L hooked up? He looks close in that pic...
oh they ARE hooked up! Now we need to keep him here permanently...
Oh the bubles wrap room...could it get more fun. Looks like SpoCompton isn't so bad afterall.
the bubble wrap was pure genious. Def. a keeper for the next party!
btw all of a sudden I am completely unable to spell 'genius'. Huh. Does Alz. start this way???
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