She's pondering staying in Seattle for a stint at Virginia Mason (her old stomping grounds), doing a turn back home in Spokane (yeah! We have your room all ready for you!), heading to warmer (and smokier) climes in Cali, trying out Texas (why Katie why?), or perhaps parts unknown.
Your vote could help her pick her next assignment!!!
I want you to come to Spokane cause I miss you soooooooooooo much. But you should go to Texas with your friend if she is going. Might be a fun adventure, although I still don't get why Texas.
yay! i am seriously considering taking a poll and just going to the top vote-getter... Right now Seattle has 3, Spokane 2, and apparently Austin is at -1. :)
well NO ONE likes Texas goofy. Our prez is from there ya know.
Quit voting all of you Seattle people. We want Katie to come home! And then spend the summer in Hawaii KT so I have someone to stay with when I go to TWO weddings in Honolulu this summer!!!
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