I've been watching the Ken Burns documentary "The War" on PBS, and it's fascinating. I keep looking at the film clips and the photos to see if Dad is there
It's really kindled my interest in learning about what our dad did in World War II. I don't know anything much about where he served, how he was wounded, or what unit he was in. I only know he enlisted right after high school (right?) and that he served with the Marines in the South Pacific
I added his name to the register at the National World War II Memorial, but didn't have any additional info to give. OK, family, anyone know more?
I don't even know where WWII took place. KIDDING...kind of. Sorry, no help.
yeah - where's europe megs???
I wasn't figuring you young farts were going to know anything!
I know he served in the Pacific, and that he was too young to enlist so his mom went with him, which is why Mimi hates Grandma Sundstrom. I know he was in the Marines in one of the front units that were the first to storm the beaches (can't remember which # right now, but his commanding officer was a loon) and that he was shot in the butt. OH, and I know he sent Mimi coded messages so that she would know where he was being sent, but she forgot about it and so he had to resend it to her when she was all confused about why he was writing about people she'd never heard of. Hmm, there's some other stuff too, but I'm pretty tired so my brain isn't working too much right now. You can learn alot by reading a man's letters to his girlfriend.
Pia, you brown nose.
Don't be jealous that I can read and have a conversation with Mimi. Maybe you'll be able to someday Megs...or maybe we'll just wait for HJP to be old enough. :)
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