Katie says I'm not allowed to post if I don't have anything interesting to say, but she's not here so I'm doing it.
I am making progress on a couple of projects: Kate the Cat With Britches missed her deadline to be submitted to the 2008 Knitty calendar, rats. She's still in need of an ear, plus arms and legs, but she's kind of cute and cuddly anyway.
Here's the finished sleeve #1 of my Kauni Cardigan. I like the color variations on this sleeve, though it did get kind of stalled in the blue/purple range on the lower sleeve. The second sleeve has been started, and it's going to look completely different as far as the colors go. But I think that's part of the charm of this sweater, it's unique.
I wanted to give a 2 thumbs up for a book I just finished: "Havana Heat" by Darryl Brock. He is the author of my all time favorite baseball/time travel book "If I Never Get Back" and this one is also about baseball, based on Luther "Dummy" Taylor, a real player for the 1900s New York Giants. He was a deaf pitcher, and the story
wonderfully written. Here's a 1908 "American Caramel" baseball card with Dummy Taylor.

I'm dibsing Havanah Heat next. Don't let Katie take it to Seattle!
it's a library book so if you hurry you can read it!
Don't know why, but the pic of that pathetic little Kate the Cat cracks me up. Please don't finish it. And you tell Kate the Cat she is not allowed to ever comment on what us bloggers post...until she becomes a blogger herself. So pooh!
the havanah heat is next on my list - painfully getting through 19 minutes - i'd recommend it to josh - but he thought if i never get home was dumb - and not only did i love it and give it to him - but so did his dad - so we think josh was having a "mallon-oma" moment (his mom's side)
WTF Josh!!? that is just about my fave book ever. And I kind of like the idea of Kate the Cat as a quadraplegic. She can just roll over and over to get where she wants to go...and the 1 little ear is a nice touch too.
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