6:00 am on Sunday, nice and cool and quiet here. I'm drinking my coffee and thinking about my daughters and my nieces and my sisters and my mom. Such a fabulous lot of women in my life! I'm blessed with the most loving, funny, caring and smart gals I could possibly imagine, and they have gotten me through some truly rotten times in my life with love and humor.
Thanks, girls! I love you all, even if you have crazy long toes, send me those annoying e-mail forwards, and live too far away. You gracefully accept my knitted offerings, share your adorable 3rd generation of girls with Auntie Lowdie, make sure there is good coffee in the house when I visit (or point the way to the nearest 'Bucks), and just generally brighten up my life!
and to think it all really started with Toddie . . .
I have a wonderful photo of her all dolled up, I'll have to post it.
We are truly are a blessed bunch to love each other as much as we do, and always manage to have so much fun together. Being away from all of you is definately the worst part of living on the East coast.
can't wait to see car-parts and teen-tawn at christms time!!!! You BETTER be on this side for Christmas people!
You made my heart smile. Thanks Auntie Lowdie between you and Susna we couldn't think of any better Aunties in the world!!!
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