good lord, why didn't someone tell me!!!???
I worked on my Kauni cardigan yesterday, got the body done, and cut the steeks (these are the selvages where one cuts the sweater body up the center front for a cardigan, and at the armholes and neckline for the sleeve and collar openings. A little scary for novice steekers, but it doesn't bother me any more, I cut like I'm Sweeney Todd) Here's a picture of the sweater after cutting.
(The greens look a lot more neon than they really are)
So I cut the sweater open, and now I can try it on. I'm sort of in 'reverse anorexic' mode, where instead of looking at my ulta-thin body and thinking I am fat, evidently I don't really look at my fat self AT ALL, and think I am thinner than I really am. The sweater is too small. Ack.
I will go ahead and finish it, maybe this will give me the kick in the (large) a** I need to get back on Weight Watchers.
And just because, here is a picture of my buddy Liam (Toast Boy), eating his toastie and being a goon, as only a 6 year old can be.
Awww, I am so sorry. Hey, maybe it'll block out??? I totally know the "reverse anorexic" thing you're talking about. I think I look really cute and then I see a picture of myself... :-P Enjoy knitting the sweater, and use it as inspiration, or give it to someone else who will love it. It's beautiful.
yeah I am hoping for a combination of blocking a bit bigger and me getting a bit smaller.
ARRGGHHH _ does this mean I don't have enough yarn to make the circumference??? I will make really wide button bands I guess . . .
nah you'll have plenty. And I'll have leftovers if you need them. Check the Kauni Knitalong, there's been several posts about making it larger. I should have known I am fat!!! ; - *
we are not FAT - we are "fluffy" -
Laur, you are hilarious.
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