We decided to beat a hasty retreat to Mobius Kid's Museum when we got bored of waiting for the pool to re-open (and to avoid all those hate/death stares from the shivering kids on the pool deck lol).
Mikey practices his heavy equipment skills with the front loader; Alex posing in "Cooper's Corner". This is a neat installation dedicated to bike safety, inspired by a Spokane boy who was killed in a bike accident.

For some reason, there's a Filipino grocery store exhibit (at least I THINK that's what it is), though I'm not aware of any huge Filipino population in Spokane. You'd think they'd have a Zip-trip exhibit with toothless white folks stocking up on Slim Jims, Colt 45's and American Spirit cigs lol.
Anyways, Liam LOVES this play area, and spent about 2 hours working the counter. Mikey happily played customer and stocked up on the plastic fruits and veg.

love the puke story. Well done Mikey! Riveria was a super helper today. He did lots of "heavy" lifting and was happy to take boxes down to the basement or out to the garbage!
he's a good worker! He seemed to have a lot of fun and the new house def. got 2 thumbs up!
omg, this may be your greatest post ever - simply for the line about the Zip Trip and colt 45's. love it.
lolz! and you know it is SOOOO true. Completely puzzled as to why Mobius has that Filipino store...
yeah that's super weird, since we are like the whitest city in america...
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