OMG am I mad I didn't stick around! The 4th of July festivities at Priest Lake included a Talent Show. Steve & I went home early due to the damn air mattress debacle so we missed it.
Liam, our amazing dancing machine, performed at the show! Even though his music didn't arrive, he 'winged it' with his incredible interpretive dance moves and WON!!!! God I would give oh a million bucks for a video of Milam busting his moves. He is sooo amazing, would any of you guys have gotten on stage at the age of 9 and danced in front of a crowd of strangers? NO. Be looking for MJ Jr. on the next "So You Think You Can Dance".
No way I would have done that at nine. It takes all my persuasive abilities to get myself to talk in front of a room full of episcopalians even now. Sorry you missed him!
Again, LOVE this kid. Love him. He is SO Napoleon Dynamite junior.
How in the world could you have EVER left! Kate's dead on with the ND Jr.
I KNOW. I could just die that I missed it. But I have my vid cam charged up now and he is coming to sleep over on Sat. nite so we will have a dance party for sure and get it all on film. And he's TOTES ND Jr. Just need to find him some moon boots
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