Friday, February 8, 2008

Fancy Schmancy!

Steve got me a new phone for Valentine's Day (well, he got it cuz I was whining about how dull my old phone was). It's a Sidekick and wow is it ever fancy! Hopefully I will learn to use all the bells and whistles. I'm kind of a spaz at this techy stuff (as is pretty much anyone my age ;-*) but soon I hope to have the fastest typing thumbs in town.


Unknown said...

I'll help you mom. Don't let Steve do it cause he doesn't get it either! Hee hee!

Meg said...

You're not a spaz at this techy stuff. You always impress me with your savvy computer skills. Wanna see spaz? Check out sibling #6!

Cara said...

Wow, I can't believe you and Paris have Sidekicks!!

Laurie said...

Lol I neverThought I,d have anything in common with p. Hilt! And I am typing this on my sidekick only sort of spazzy. And good point about the b, MEg

Sue said...

you ARE fancy - but DO NOT turn into Bob Davis!

Laurie said...

too late, I have been typing with my thumbs all afternoon!

Katie said...

WOW, i'm so impressed! and i even got the picture you emailed me from your fancy phone... Now all you need is to "bling" it out with rhinestones! LOL

Laurie said...

great idea for the boys' next craft project Katie! They love glitter and glue!

zaideafraidey said...

hey, hey, hey didn't I just say a lovely ditty about #5 a blog ago? You people turn so fast, and NOBODY should every be in MP's corner, she's known to stick knives in everyone eventually.

Sue said...

who is MP???

Laurie said...

MP-Meg Prentice! And yes little sister, you were very nice so I apologize. You are not a spaz...

Sue said...

Well I guess I take the spaz title