Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Best Costume Award!

Halloween Hi-Jinks!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Halloween Costumes!

Our Little Vegan

Friday, October 26, 2007
Farmer in the Dell
Mr. Smarty Pants
The Movie I Hate Already
Just going on record to say I HATE "Bee Movie" already, and I haven't even seen it. The promos on NBC are ruining my fave show "The Office", and they are so not funny. Seinfeld, if you came up with this lame campaign, shame on you!


She's pondering staying in Seattle for a stint at Virginia Mason (her old stomping grounds), doing a turn back home in Spokane (yeah! We have your room all ready for you!), heading to warmer (and smokier) climes in Cali, trying out Texas (why Katie why?), or perhaps parts unknown.
Your vote could help her pick her next assignment!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
2nd Annual S&B!

A Surprise in the Mail
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I Actually Left the House Today!

Balancing Act
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Life With Mikey

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Pottery for Knitters

More Tipping Over Models!
A Blustery Weekend!

It's a good day to curl up in front of the TV with the knitting. Grey and windy and cold! Our yard is full of leaves; that means it needs to snow very soon so we don't have to look at them on the ground anymore :-)
I seem to have a plethora of WIPs (works in progress) right now. These are just the ones sitting in my basket right now:
- socks in Online City Color yarn in the Seattle colorway (think blue, green and grey) Sock #1 is almost done. It's stripey.
- Princess Leah wig/hat for Pia's Halloween costume. One 'bun' to knit then it's done.
- Alex's Ninja mask for his Halloween costume. Haven't started it yet, so better get busy!
- Doll panties and stockings. I was supposed to make these AGES ago, but got sidetracked. The pants are almost done. The stockings are going to be a real challenge, with some short row action to shape the feet.
- Liam's Pirate Hat. Not started yet, but the yarn is in the basket waiting patiently.
Plus I have a stack of books I want to read. And housework galore that could be done. I guess it is a good thing the weather is nasty, maybe I'll get at least one of these things accomplished (prolly not the housework tho)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Remember These?

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Pretty Pumpkin!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
There's A Name for It

Not all sufferers of the phobia experience the same degree of fear
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wait A Minute!
yes they would love it
Doesn't that look like a "YES" to you?!! OMG shooting smarshmallows 30 feet, this will bring our camping trips to a whole new level of fun and tears!
Another Set of Sleeping Beauties

Two Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Fence...
Greatest Toy EVER!

I asked Lorraine if I could buy this for the boys, but for some reason she said NO. Go figure! It's from the Chasing Fireflies catalog:
marshmallow shooter
Watch out for U.W.F.O.'s -- unidentified white flying objects! The hottest gadget in the fight against planetary boredom, this pump-action, rapid-fire design shoots mini marshmallows over 30 feet! Holds over 20 marshmallows (or foam pellets, which are included). This might do wonders at the office, too.
Christmas is coming...
The Dream Dies...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Dream Job...

A Walk in the Woods

Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Weekend Update

Not much happening here this weekend, we're watching the baseball playoffs, with Steve rooting for the Sox and me cheering on Cleveland. I can't BELIEVE I am married to a member of Red Sox Nation. Actually, we're all just thrilled that the Yankees are out. The Curse of A-Rod lives on!!
Tomorrow, we're going to see Ratatouille with the boys. Should be a grand time.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"The War"

It's really kindled my interest in learning about what our dad did in World War II. I don't know anything much about where he served, how he was wounded, or what unit he was in. I only know he enlisted right after high school (right?) and that he served with the Marines in the South Pacific
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Three Amigos
Our Number is Finally Called at the DMV...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
White Ninja Costume

Hatty #2
Animal Planet!
The boys and I had an exciting adventure yesterday! We arrived at Whitworth U. for their reading lessons, and noticed a police car and an animal control guy with a big net. Since we had time to kill before reading started and snacks to eat, we wandered over to see what was happening.
A BIG Bald Eagle was on the ground, and the animal control officer was trying to catch him/her in the net (it was reportedly injured). The news guys showed up to take some pix (must have been a slow news day) and channel 6 interviewed the boys! Alex made the final cut and here is his moment of fame. BTW, the eagle flew off so I guess it must have been ok. Sorry this is such a poor quality video; I have to find umpteen special cables to copy it directly off of the tv. If I do track them down I'll re-record the clip and re-post it!
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Alex and I spent an incredibly dull hour at the DMV on Saturday renewing my driver's license (thank god for that $113.00 speeding ticket, or I'd never have realized my license had expired ;-) The Dept. of Licensing offers Tips for Your Trip to the DMV, but not the tips you REALLY need:
- 1. Bring something to read, unless you are prepared to fight the other 75 people for the single magazine available in the waiting room:Bowhunters and Other Killers of Innocent Animals, dated 1983.
- Bring cash. This is the only place left in the civilized world that doesn't take a debit or credit card (they do take checks though, go figure)
- Your waiting time is not made any shorter if you bring a small child with you. Even if it is a screaming, crying, wriggling or smelly small child. (Note: Alex was extremely well-behaved, probably better behaved than I was)
- Your number will always be at least 15 away from the next number being served, no matter how long you have been waiting.
- You can while away some time trying to figure out how the majority of the people there managed to get a driver's license (and they can wonder the same thing about you)
- You will always look, stupid, fat and slightly crazy in your driver's license picture.
That said, the employees were very nice, friendly and efficient, even though the place was super crowded cuz no one comes any time except Saturday afternoon at their lunch hour. They do need to get some stickers for the kids though; all our guy could offer Alex was a little return address label printed "new address", not too exciting.
Danger Island!!!
Mariners Fan
Stunt Rider

Carnival Craziness

Friday, October 5, 2007

Thank God for the Dinette Set!!

Man, the comics have been unrelentingly grim lately! I read them yesterday and in five minutes I was totally depressed. First, Grampa has a stroke in "For Better or for Worse", then Lisa kicks the bucket in "Funky Winkerbean", THEN Hammie's turtle is found floating on it's back in "Baby Blues". Yikes! Luckily, Wanda was able to do turtle CPR today and revive the little critter, but things don't look good for Grampa, and we know Lisa ain't coming back.
So I am always happy to get my daily dose of "The Dinette Set", and once again they've captured me to perfection.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A Cool Halloween Wig Pattern!
I don't know why, but I am a sucker for the knitted wig! I found the Princess Leia Wig pattern and I had to buy it! Pia, here comes your Halloween costume for this year (which is only fitting, since you did go as Prin. L. when you were 4 years old.)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Punkin Heads!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Knitting Tat!

Home Sweet Home!