Another school year is complete. And the boys' teachers survived and are planning to return next year :-) I knit each of them a little thank you gift, well deserved IMHO. Grade school teachers are amazing! Well, ALL teachers are amazing and deserve lots of gifts if you ask me. Here's what I knit:

Alex's teacher is a cute young thing so I thought the "Paper Moon" hat would be perfect for her. And I finally got the gauge right so it should fit her as a hat, rather than a shroud.

Liam's teacher is kind of granola-y, so she got a pair of socks knit from a 1900s pattern.

and RJ's teacher got this cool little purse for what-nots (maybe she can use it to stash 2 for 1 drinks coupons to use after work)
what wonderful gifts. beats the "teacher" coffee mug anyday. I always have people come into O's asking for "teacher" gifts, which I refuse to buy anymore. I try to tell them teachers don't want any of that crap, get them something they can use. Hey P, I even gave the kids high school teachers a thank you gift. They are amazing people.
exactly. I hope they liked the gifts, the boys are not great at reporting back on that kind of thing (now if we gave their teachers snakes, bugs or something that made burping or fart noises, I'd get a complete report).
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