The Candy Cigarettes (previous post) reminded me of wonderful Saturdays, clutching my 50 cent allowance and walking down to Sidies drug store, where the fab candies of the 60s were available in all their glory. I generally made my purchases at Sidies, as Meredith's Dime Store candy was even more ghetto than this stuff:

hello, wax lips?! What could be better. Wear em, then chew em up and spit em out!

Ditto wax soda bottles, full of some sort of unidentified super-sweet 'juice'. John Herseth, DDS, must have loved this crap.

Walnettos, yum. They always seemed like a 'grown-up' candy.

Sidie's always had a little rack of Sen-Sen by the cash register. I don't think I ever bought any, I'm not even sure what they are. Something for smokers?

Mountain Bars, YUK. This was always the candy left in the bottom of my Halloween pillow case o' treats. Probably kind of squashed. And probably given to B-Z (actually, probably not. She was the kind of child who organized her Halloween candy by name and always had more left in her bag than I did. I guess I ate the Mountain Bars when I got desperate)

Not technically candy, but every 60s child must remember Fizzies. SOOOO fun in the summer to plop one in a glass and have a really nasty tasting drink. And if you put your Fizzy in a metal cup, it was even weirder tasting.

Cinnamon Toothpicks were HOT when I was in junior high. Why?

Black-Jack Gum didn't really taste that good but it looked cool so I sometimes bought it. Not as good as Bazooka of course. You simply can't compete with bubble gum and Bazooka Joe comics.
i think merediths still sold that stuff when meg and i would go and try on the gigantic underpants. so much fun!
How did candy become popular when you had to eat crap like that! So many good memories of visits to the candy store in Bothell!
Okay I do remember having all my candy sorted by kind, so deserve that post. Did not and still do not enjoy the Mt. Bar. Sen Sen taste like soap licorice, can't understand why they still hang around. Remember the first taste of the wax lips being so sweet than quickly turning to cement in your mouth.
I know my little sister, you were totes a candy sorter AND hoarder. And P, there was a lot of great candy too lol. Look bar, Pay Day, Rollos, oh I could go on and on and on...
Well in that case. I get it. I love that you put no good candy on your post though!
whaddya mean "no good candy" ???!!! the wax lips were the BEST!!!
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