The Second Annual Sundstrom Ladies' SNB was a smash hit! Although we missed some of our girls (Meg, running a marathon, Lis, working, and Cara, still in hideous VA), those who attended had a grand time. B-Z aka The Hostess With The Mostest, entertained us in fine style at the cabin, the weather was perfect, the food divine and the knitting/yarn winding/chasing small girls around was perfection. Here are some pix:

Tatum is pondering the mad skillz of Katie at game-playing.

Katie, B, and Pia taking a lil knitting break to play some sort of card/board game. Too complex for me.

Tate explains to Maddie that the yarn winder is NOT a fun new ride-on toy.

Susna, Pam and Logan relaxing on the deck. Knitting is happening!

Loggie knitting on the world's tiniest project. Or checking out a bean from B-Z's Container O' Beans For Kids To Dig In.

B-Z displaying her heretofore unknown mad skillz at yarn-winding. This was the only knitting-related activity the B got to participate in the entire weekend, as she was also doing Zaide duty with Maddie and Hadley. And how adorable is Mads with her super-long hair!?

The gals at Show N Tell. Pam is explaining why this darling baby sweater has languished in her knitting pile for ages. I think there's a knitting old wife's tale that says if you don't finish a baby sweater, you will be sure to get pregs, Lootie. So pass that puppy to Megs stat!

Pia in a happy moment, right before I suggested that she rip out her entire project and start again.

Reaction to said suggestion.

Katie snuggled up with her Blue Sky Chicken project. I hope this is my birthday present, Katie...
Also in attendance were B-Z's bestie Michele and Grandma Shirley to help corral the babies. No knitting by those two, but their company was much enjoyed! And all 4 girls were so well-behaved and a joy to have around! Y'all better be there for the next SNB!
too much fun! :)
you captured everything perfectly L, and it was a grand time, lets repeat sooner rather than later. Who got the shots of three girls in a tub?
Oh, not I BZ. Hopefully someone got pics of that. I'm going to post my pics later. I'll email everyone a link to the photos. Can't wait for our next SNB. Too fun to be with everyone.
no tubbie shots, must have been Pam taking them. Yes to doing again SOON!
Hey - this was our THIRD s-n-b - don't forget the first one at Whitbey! We should do a winter one perhaps - then the B may HAVE to sit and knit . . .
although B was a FABULOUS yarn winder - who knew???
Just answer this: Did Madeline try and climb the deck rail?
She hung on the bars, but I didn't witness any actually deck rail climbing.
funny you should ask Lis, she was hanging on the rail, and for the longest time had one foot up on one of the wire squares (and I thought of when you said you didn't want that kind of railing for that reason) but she never went any higher.
that Mads is one wild woman. I didn't see any rail climbing but it wouldn't have surprised anyone if she had launched herself into the wild blue yonder. Good thing Zaide is a smart grammy and corraled her in the Toddler Bobbler (worst name EVER btw)
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