Damn! I finished dead last in our Oscar contest this year! Pia & Katie invited me over for a very nice dinner and we watched the Oscars together. Due to the sad fact that I hadn't seen ONE single movie that was nominated (well I did see the Dark Knight, but I'm not really counting that, and also Kung Fu Panda...), I was sadly lacking in actual opinions re the winners.
Katie squeaked out a win with 14 correct choices, Pia got 13, and I ended up with 12 when I made a daring tactical move at the end and changed my Best Actress choice from Winslet to Streep (sorry KW, I do love you, but I was desperate). I did score a couple of coups in the always chancy short subjects categories (my mantra: always vote for the Holocaust film to win)
And btw how about those ROCKS Angelina was wearing!? Wow. Most of the dresses (which is really the best part of the whole thing) were kind of meh. I did like P. Cruz' vintage gown once she fixed her boobs so they weren't kind of wonky. And I thought M. Streep looked fabulous. And what a treat to see Shirley Maclaine! Love the Shirl-Dog! Hugh Jackman did a pretty good job as host, I had forgotten he could sing and dance. And he's def. nice looking which doesn't hurt a bit.
i swear, (even though i'm pretty sure this isn't actually true) - it feels like i win every year. i am awesome.
you DO win every year. This is what happens when you don't have hobbies ;-)
good point mom!
haha, you're one to talk...
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