I'm babysitting the gang this weekend while Mama is canoodlin' in Seattle ;-) Friday night is 'movie night' at the P's house (the mother unit wisely doesn't allow tv on school days), and they chose what I am convinced is the WORST cartoon movie ever produced: "Space Thunder Kids". Here's what a reviewer had to say:
"Trust me, a bottle of bourbon is all that’s going to get you through the brain-frying glory of Space Thunder Kids, a film so utterly confounding, so dazzlingly inept in every single way imaginable, that it achieves an undeniable aura of the sublime that glows so brightly it threatens to blot out the rest of existence."
Parents, for the love of all that's holy and in the interest of keeping your babysitter from utterly losing her mind and diving straight into that bourbon bottle, don't buy this movie. Of course, the boys loved it.
Hilarious. Of course, I'd pick bourban over most movies.
haha that's my girl.
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