The boys and I have been very busy with various activities. They are always on the go! Here are some random pix of what we've been up to lately:

Oh, to be three years old and firmly convinced that you ARE a superhero! Mikey is totally into Spiderman lately and here he is practicing his web-slinging. Last night, he had on Spidey underpants, Spidey PJ's, Spidey slippers, a Spidey bandaid and was coloring in his Spidey coloring book. Pure bliss.

Mikey and I like to visit the library while the brothers are at tae kwon do. Mike loves the computers in the children's area. He is very good at working the mouse and needs NO help. He growls if any other kids try to horn in on his space though. :-)

Jon has taught the boys all kinds of good life skills. Here, Liam has been tied up to the new column in the kitchen with some plastic packaging material. Way to recycle, guys!

The gang and I went to Bingo Night at Linwood Elementary recently. Alex is working his card here, ignore that can of soda pop Mom. We had a grand time, Liam won 3 times! This lady across from us had about 10 cards; not sure why as the only prizes were children's books and whatnot. I guess Bingo fever strikes all ages.
Love the pics mom. Maybe you should try the tying them up with saran wrap on a regular basis. Looks like it could be a nice break for you and Lorraine! And clearly that lady was a serious bingo player. No real player would be caught dead with less then 10 cards at a time. :)
I think it (the tieing up with saran wrap) was seriously considered last night and this morning...
god the tying up to the post is brilliant, you KNOW the boys are going to be doing that to eachother as often as they can get away with! ;)
oh of course, and the tae kwon do belts are PERFECT for it too.
Did the lady across from you have her own blotter and a few lucky troll dolls? Are these pics from your phone again...Lavies, I don't want to have to give you a tongue lashing again. Love the Uncle Jon lifeskills...and Mikey's spidey obsession. No wonder you love those boys so much.
yeah they are cellie pix. It was all I had with me at the time, try not to be too harsh. And of course, if anyone wants to gift me with a nice tiny Nikon Coolpix, I wouldn't mind a bit :-) And the dork with all the cards was not cool enough to have her troll dolls and lighters all lined up.
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