Friday, February 27, 2009
Vote Early and Vote Often!

Our Busy Days

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Feb. 27th: A Special Day!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Cute Papers from the Twins

Alex wrote a card, "from Alex P. to You" (I'm not sure who 'you' is), and on the inside it says "You are Great. Would you like to be my friend?"

I love their phonetic spelling! If English was as logical as these two spell it, the world would be a better place.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Now It Starts...

The Yearly Humiliation...

Wish Them Luck!

Green Belt: Sa Bang Chuck 3; Poomse: Tae Guk Sam Jang Self-Defense Kick: Spinning Back Kick, Board Breaking: Children: Front Snap Kick, Oral Test: History of Taekwondo (Children: 3 ancient Kingdoms of Korea)
RJ will be testing to earn his Blue Belt, and this is what he has to know:
Blue Belt Sa Bang Chuck 4. Poomse: Tae Guk Sa Jang. Kicks: Skipping Hook Kick 1. Oral Test: Philosophy of Taekwondo (Children: Meanings of the 5 Codes).
In addition, they had to each complete 2 book reports and Mama has to fill out a home and school report on each one. Hopefully, they were very very nice to Mama during that process
Good luck, young warriors! I will see if I can get some pictures esp. of the board breaking!
Still Nothing More Fun!

Week 6 Results
Friday, February 20, 2009
Horcrux Sox are dunzo
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thank You Jebus
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Designer Lavs!
Those Wacky Victorians

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
How Cute is THIS?
Monday, February 16, 2009
25 Reasons Cara & Tony Should Stay In Virginia

I am rising to the challenge! Here are the top 25 reasons Fred & Irene should remain on the wrong coast:
- They have lost all of their teeth and are secretly planning to move to WV.
- They have lost their sense of taste and now like Twizzlers.
- Cara's real job is as a historic interpreter at the Fredericksburg Battlefield Site.
- Tony's real job is as the curator of the Hugh Mercer Apothecary.
- They refuse to leave until the James Monroe House finishes its renovations and reopens, so they can visit the world's saddest little museum one more time.
- They plan to live with their dad & Patty FOREVER, thus depriving those two of a single moment alone their entire married life.
- They spend their weekends picketing in front of the White House.
- They keep hoping to run into Patty Murray at some DC venue, where they can say they have been in Meredith's Dime Store (which Patty's dad used to manage way back when)
- Wally & Lola are now East Coast dogs, and could never adjust their sleeping schedules to Pacific Coast Time.
- They prefer to live in a housing development with all the streets named after Confederate War heroes.
- They think living in a 'commonwealth' sounds ritzier than living in a 'state'.
- They don't want to miss the annual "Rock Toss Across the Rappahannock" party at George Washington's boyhood home (which is basically a field with some humps on it now).
- They are secretly Nats fans. Even sadder than being M's fans.
- They enjoy living in the same town as the woman who faces felony charges for biting.
- They refuse to come home until they have visited the Civil War Life--The Soldier's Museum .
- They believe F'burg's motto "America's Most Historic City" is cooler than Spokane's "Near Nature. Near Perfect" (well I'd actually agree on that. But this is the city whose one and only paper had the ad slogan "pretty good paper", so we don't expect too much here)
- They'd much rather sit in traffic for 2 hours than 2 minutes. You can listen to a couple of cd's on your way to work!
- They have learned to love Wal-Mart.
- They will never quit smoking and cigs are damn cheap in VA.
- F'burg claims title to "the nation's most haunted city" and C&T won't leave until they run into the ghosts of George & Martha.
- They have deloped a taste for scrapple.
- They have joined The Stonewall Brigade and are busy every weekend with Civil War re-enactments.
- They have recently joined the Shaolin Kungfu Center in F-burg and are devoting themselves to mastering Fukien Black Flag Eng Chun (Wing Chun)
- In their spare time, they run the "Ask Fred" service for the local paper.
- They keep cruising downtown hoping to run into F-burg's most famous native, Judge Reinhold, so they can ask him all about "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".
Admittedly, some of these reasons MAY just be a tiny bit lame. But I feel I have answered the question "what the hell is keeping them in VA?" satisfactorily.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
So Big!
I Love This Photo!

Knitting Progress
And Katie, I got all the stuff to finish your prize, so as soon as the hooligans all go home, I'm working on it!
25 Reasons Cara & Tony Should Come Home

- Cara could be attending Weight Watchers with us, and making rude comments about the 'meeting talkers' (and we could go to the Shirl-Dog's meetings again!)
- Taking the boys to baseball games, basketball games, wrestling matches, Arena football, and all the other boy things their mother and I don't do.
- You could be helping with the renovation of (by that I mean you could be mucking out 30 years of contaminated gunk from) Spokane Raceway Park.
- Saint George's Basketball NEEDS you two. The girls actually lost to Cusick.
- Home cookin'. Who else can make the perfect Sloppy Joe & niblets that you know you want, except yo mama.
- A group of like-minded people on the whole mixing Kraft mac & cheese with peas.
- Where else can you see piles of dirty snow all the way until April?
- Getting to drive over and see the cousins any time you want. And their darling babies.
- You are closer to China (and your new baby) here.
- No hand-knit socks until you get home!
- Zip's. Mini corn dogs. Tub o' fries with tartar sauce.
- Complain about the Zags, the Mariners, and the Seahawks with people who know and understand your pain.
- NO 'Skins fans. Or Nats fans (actually do the Nats HAVE any fans?). And only a few annoying members of Red Sox Nation.
- No hurricanes.
- The Lake. You would probably get invited now that you have been gone so long. Gramma surely has forgotten any/all grudges by now.
- All the Oberto products you could possibly want at your fingertips.
- You can NOT run Bloomsday and have lots of company (but not an entire state who's not running it).
- The Cabin. I think B & Bob will probably let you come back, as long as you bring your own coffee beans.
- REAL SKIING. Not on some little pimple of a hill with fake snow.
- Bingo Night, Skate Night, Movie Night and more at Linwood Elementary School.
- Opportunities to torture your sisters are slipping by rapidly.
- It's never been easier to apply for unemployment in Washington.
- People here hate Wal-Mart.
- Zip Trip. No stupid WaWa's.
- Your mother misses you like 60!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Week 5 Results
A Clarification from the Master

So there you have it, straight from the source.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
That 25 Things About Me list

1. I do everything left-handed except knit.
2. When I was in 3rd grade, I wanted to be an Egyptologist.
3. I prefer dark chocolate.
4. Even though I have been knitting non-stop for over 30 years, I only have 1 sweater and 1 pair of socks that I kept for myself.
5. I learned to read at age 6 and have read the morning newspaper every day since then.
6. I've eaten the same thing for breakfast (bagel with cheddar cheese on top and coffee) every day for the last 20 years.
7. I am married to the world's nicest man; he has never said no to anyone as far as I know :-)
8. My children are my greatest pride and joy.
9. I am afraid of all animals except spiders.
10. I have a secret desire to live on a farm and/or have chickens in my backyard. This despite the fact as stated in #9.
11. I have the world's greatest sisters.
12. If I could live anywhere in the world, I'd choose England.
13. Italian or French Roast coffee, with a splash of half/half -- my drink of choice.
14. I hate flavored coffee.
15. I didn't learn to like Mexican food until I was well into my 40s.
16. My happiest childhood memories were made while I was visiting Toddie and Baba's house.
17. My nieces are the BEST (nephews too!)
18. I am lucky enough to take care of the four wildest, sweetest, craziest and most adorable boys in the known universe.
19. I used to hate nail polish because it made my fingernails feel like they were 'smothering', but now I like it.
20. I read before bed every night, without fail.
21. I secretly love Kraft Mac & Cheese with peas mixed in.
22. My favorite movie of all time is Gone With the Wind.
23. I once told my sister Susan that I thought June Lockhart (the mom on "Lassie") was beautiful. She teased me until I cried.
24. I do the New York Times crossword puzzle in pen.
25. I wish I had stayed home with my kids when they were little.
OK, that's done. Geez, I'm not very exciting am I? :-)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Some New Knitting Projects

My other current project is the Great American Aran Afghan, which is done in squares (yuk on having to sew them all together but will worry about that later). I'm going crazy and knitting this in cashmere yarn that I've been saving for just this project. NO ONE will ever be allowed to actually use this afghan, except me on special days when I feel like being the queen.
A Gorgeous Sunday!

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Week 4 Results
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
10 Great Things About Being a Nanny

I've been 'nanny Laurie' for the boys for just over a year now, and it's been (mostly) a lot of fun! Of course, I get the 'I wish you weren't my babysitter' fairly often, but it goes in one ear and out the other and the boys are usually very loving to me. So I thought I would make a little 'anniversary list':
- 1. I get to think of myself as Mary Poppins anytime I want (the good book version not the sappy Disney movie MP.)
2. How many jobs include a big hug and a kiss when you come in the door in the morning and leave at night?
3. I get time every day to rock a little boy in my lap and just enjoy.
4. Kids' laughter and pure delight at anything funny.
5. Taking time to answer all Liam's questions about animals, the universe, bugs, and much much more.
6. Helping a child learn to read, and getting to see him come out the classroom door with his nose in a good book.
7. Discovering that boys are NOT like girls in just about every way you can imagine.
8. Trips to the library, where we always have to find books about animals, dinosaurs, martial arts and wars.
9. Getting to do crafts, with tons of tape, glue, glitter and markers. Then giving them to someone special.
10. Sharing a favorite childhood activity; the boys and I celebrated May Day last year with little baskets of flowers they hung on the neighbors' doors and then hid. That was the most fun thing we did all year, and I can't wait to do it again!
I am so lucky to have these four little men in my life! They give love and laughter to me every day, and my life is richer for it. And fyi to my own kids: I'll still have plenty of love available for any grandbabies...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Cute Book!

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Stupid New "Gadget"
Week 3 Results

Worst Cartoon EVER